Tips for Interviewing a Prospective Brain Injury Lawyer

Posted by writer on Monday, October 31, 2011

One of the most important steps in finding a lawyer brain injury is the interview process. There are nearly 1 million lawyers in the U.S. right now. It is important to interview several attorneys before you hire one to make absolutely sure that these people currently have the experience and expertise, not only physical injury, but especially in head injury law. In addition to these factors, you should be able to feel like a lawyer on "your side" and is looking for its own interests.

When he went to meet with a lawyer or a brain injury law firm, you need to assess the following: the experience of head injury, personality and willingness to take your case one. Each of these will be explored in greater depth below.

Experience with brain injury

Again, with nearly 1 million lawyers in the U.S., you have to find one with experience with brain injury who works in the vicinity of their place. Now, this individual does not have to work exclusively with head injury (although it would be nice). The lawyer you choose must be part of the defense team for at least 10 cases of brain injury. You must be sure that they understand the medical, social and technical aspects of moving back to life after a head injury. For many men and women, it is tricky to return to school or work immediately after brain injury, so that one issue at stake is lost wages or lack of ability to earn income. If head injury lawyer working with the team understands the issues, you will be much better.

One issue in the work of the experts is that the law of compensation may be a high price. While this is certainly an issue for most individuals, it may be worth it to help you win your case or get a better settlement head injury. As with any profession, they often "get what you pay for." Paying a little more for an excellent brain injury law specialist may be worth the investment.


When you work with an attorney, you are putting your full faith in their own hands. You will be working with brain injury attorney that you trust and get along S. Paying attention to the chemistry between you, your family (if involved) and your attorney is especially important. Working with the person (s) with a head injury can take quite a bit of patience. Is your potential lawyer patient with you? Does he / she take the time to carefully listen to your story about what happened and how it affected you?

Many lawyers have a "free consultation" sessions. Want to use this time to judge the personality more than anything. If you have any hesitations or funny feelings about working with the attorneys (especially in its first session or two) do not hire them. It is perfectly fine interview potential attorneys, and then go to if fit is not right. Rely on your instincts and make sure you work with an attorney brain injury that you have full faith and respect.

a willingness to take on your case

If you find someone with experience in brain injury and a good personality, the next step is to make sure they are ready to take on your case. When you have a legal situation, you have a good legal help and advice from an attorney who is fully determined to work with you. There are several reasons why the prosecutor or defense counsel could not take on your case: they are too busy, you can not afford it, I do not think you have a good reason or do not feel confident that they represent. If any of these happens, move on to another attorney. It's terrible when you think you have found the perfect attorney head injury, but they do not want to work with you. In that case, try to find another good lawyer head injury that is ready to take your case and support.

Acquisition of a good lawyer brain injury is a process that involves many korake.Najprometniji thing is to find someone with experience, who you trust and who can take on your case. Putting time and energy into getting a good lawyer will pay off in the long run.

More aboutTips for Interviewing a Prospective Brain Injury Lawyer

Brain Damage and Personal Injury

Posted by writer on Thursday, October 27, 2011

brain damage can occur in various ways, but it is considered any type of injury to the brain structure that interferes with or disrupts normal brain function and healthy brain development. Brain damage can occur after birth (acquired, non-traumatic and traumatic brain injury) or before birth (congenital brain injury ).

Most of the brain damage that occurs after birth due to an injury of some sort. Unfortunately, many of these injuries were due to accidents caused by negligence by someone else. Auto accidents account for most traumatic brain injury. In these cases the car driver who caused the accident can be held responsible for the violation.

Similarly, damage to brain injuries that occur before or during labor may also be the result of someone else's negligence. In those cases, your doctor or other member of the medical staff could have made a mistake and because of injuries, injury or worse. In these cases you may be able to seek legal advice to help you determine what your legal rights, and to help recoup some of their monetary losses.

to help you gain better insights into brain damage, it is first important to understand the different types of injuries and how it can happen. Let's start by taking a look at congenital brain injury. These types of injuries can be caused by trauma, genetic defects, infections, poisoning, anoxia, or hipoksije.Rezultat can be very devastating and can take the form of conditions such as cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, fetal alcohol syndrome, epilepsy, dyslexia or .

Cerebral palsy was associated with several causes, including trauma during birth, premature birth, infection, poor oxygen or blood flow to the developing fetus and children's diseases such as encephalitis or meningitis. This condition is often the result of birth injuries can manifest in a variety of neurological disorders that may prove quite debilitating.

Down syndrome is another type of birth disorder that is caused by the presence of an extra chromosome in each stanici.Stanje can lead to mental retardation, gastrointestinal problems, and heart conditions. Down syndrome occurs more in children born to women older than 40 years.
Fetal alcohol syndrome is an incurable brain disease as a result of maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy. This can lead to mental retardation, growth, and low birth weight. Children with fetal alcohol syndrome often have problems with their central nervous system and behavior issues.

Epilepsy is still an incurable brain disease that can develop before birth. Epilepsy causes the brain to produce periodic bursts of electricity that can be very intensive and can adversely affect the overall function mozga.Stanje can manifest itself in producing convulsions and loss of consciousness. Epilepsy is associated with brain development problems, and birth injuries. It can also develop later in life.

Dyslexia is the most common type of learning disability that causes the brain to misinterpret what the eyes see, and then translate the written or spoken language. Scripture and the words often appear inaccurate, backward, or can not be identified. No one knows exactly what causes dyslexia to happen.

Finally, congenital hydrocephalus is a type of brain damage, which is the excessive amount of fluid in the brain during the birth process. This condition is caused by prenatal hemorrhage, infection or other genetic disorders. It is often associated with other types of birth defects.

Acquired brain damage can occur after childbirth, and can be classified as either traumatic or non-traumatic. These types of injuries are often caused by accidents, violence, sports injuries and other conditions such as neurodegenerative diseases or internal conditions.

Traumatic brain injury can be a closed head injury or open head injury. Closed head injury does not include objects penetrating the skull. Open head injury cases involving penetration of the skull and directly affects the brain.

and symptoms of closed and open head injuries can vary a lot from very subtle to very severe. There can be many different cognitive and behavioral changes, as well as various types of physical illness.

traumatic brain injury can be displayed in the form of a concussion, pooling of blood (hematoma), hemorrhage (bleeding), bruising or skull fracture. Infection, epilepsy, intracranial pressure, hydrocephalus, ischemia, and vasospasm are common secondary injuries that can result from traumatic brain injury.

It is often very difficult to diagnose traumatic brain injury, because the symptoms can vary a lot and may be associated with other conditions. Imaging tests, monitoring the length of time unconscious, and Glasgow Coma Scale are common tools used to diagnose these conditions.

the end result of traumatic brain injury can also be very diverse, and may require nothing more than the rest, up to complex neurosurgical procedures and life-long rehabilitation treatment. Patients who have suffered only mild injuries may be able to fully recover, while individuals with moderate to severe injury can not recover. Permanent disability, loss of brain function, coma, persistent vegetative state, and even death can result.

Non-traumatic brain injuries occur from internal or neurodegenerative condition caused by damage to neurons. Infection, alcohol, hypoxia, anoxia, stroke, and tumors can cause štete.Rezultat the progressive deterioration of the brain, memory issues, saying, muscle control, problem solving and thinking are quite common


If you or a loved one has suffered brain damage, or any of these conditions exacerbated by others' negligence, a lawyer who specializes in personal injury can help. These types of attorneys will evaluate your case, explain your legal rights, and establish a course of action. He or she can determine how much allowance you are entitled to receive as dobro.Osobne injury lawyer has much experience in handling these types of claims and knows exactly how to take your case to court. He or she will handle all aspects of the case by gathering evidence, locating expert witnesses. This will allow you to focus on your or your loved one's recovery and getting back to some normality.

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Brain Injuries and Brain Injury Compensation

Posted by writer

brain injuries are almost always very serious and life-changing consequences. Rehabilitation may take a long time. It follows that any claim for compensation for injury to the brain is unlikely to be resolved quickly. In fact, it is typical for such claims to be between 3 and 5 years to complete. Every year in the UK, more than one million people suffer a head injury that requires a visit to the accident department and about 135,000 of those will be admitted to hospital with serious head injuries. Usually, these injuries occur in traffic accidents, falls and accidents at home or at work.

Figures obtained by the progress, the association of brain injury, suggests that people most at risk are aged 15-29 and more than 65 years. Those aged between 15 and 29 are three times more likely to maintain brain injury than any other group. Men are two to three times more likely to suffer from brain injuries women. It rises to five times more likely for ages 15-29. Of those admitted, 85% will suffer mild head injuries, 10% moderate head injury and 5% of severe head injury.

There are two major categories of brain injury, acquired brain injury (ABI) and traumatic brain injury (TBI). ABI was a brain injury that occurs from birth. This may be caused by diseases such as stroke, hemorrhage, infection, hypoxic / anoxic injury, or medical accidents. It can also be a traumatic brain injury (TBI) - Receiving a blow or shaking the head, possibly in a car accident, fall or assault, can cause injury mozga.Većina TBI cases resulting from traffic nesreća.Manji part because of domestic or industrial accidents, sports or other incidents.

Although it was initially caused by a sudden force, traumatic brain injury also includes any subsequent complications. There are three distinct phases that can occur.

  • first injury - the initial traumatic event, caused by a sudden force or influence, and it only takes a few seconds. These can be crush injuries, open wounds or closed injuries in which external forces can cause the brain to be twisted or torn without any external sign of injury.
  • other injuries can occur over minutes and hours after the first injury. Problems such as severe blood loss or a blocked airway can reduce the amount of oxygen reaching the brain, resulting in oxygen starvation.
  • The third injury can happen at any time thereafter, causing further complications. This may be as a result of bleeding, bruising, or swelling of the brain or because blood clots develop.

More and more people survive serious brain injuries today due to advances in medical knowledge and surgical techniques. Those who have survived brain injuries usually have a normal life trajanja.Sve increasing number of people living with long-term effects of brain injury. Estimates indicate that there are more than 500,000 people living with disabilities as a result of head injuries in the UK.

Any request for reimbursement, you must be able to prove that you suffered an injury, and that the other party is wrong. Medical reports will be required as evidence. In cases of brain injury, it can be difficult to assess long-term consequences of injury and level of support that the victim required in the future. It is possible, however, to get in the meantime, the village has been postponed pending a final decision.

There are several elements which go to make up the compensation package. There is compensation for the injury itself. There is an element that provides support for you and your family. Rehabilitation and treatment will be part of this element, and possibly counseling and cognitive behavioral therapy. May it be possible to get in some circumstances, even when the obligation to sporu.Velik part of the fee will be used for costs, including loss of future earnings, welfare, medical expenses and equipment.

While the main purpose is to enforce the requirement to receive monetary compensation for their losses, can also provide other positive benefits. For example, rehabilitation of the Code says that support should be provided to you and your family. This will usually be in the form of rehabilitation and treatment, but may also include counseling or cognitive behavioral therapy, or the appointment of Case Manager, who can assess what you need to support. In certain circumstances, third party insurance companies will provide support and rehabilitation, even when the obligation in dispute.

lawyer will arrange for you to undergo medical examinations to determine the forecast for your injuries. Any treatment needs and care requirements will also be identified during the inspection. This will help your recovery if you are able to access recommended treatment as soon as possible.

More aboutBrain Injuries and Brain Injury Compensation

Traumatic Brain Injury Patients - Equilibrium and Vision Problems

Posted by writer on Sunday, October 23, 2011

There have been cases where traumatic brain injury lawyer has seen severe symptoms develop after a TBI accident. It is not uncommon for those stricken with traumatic brain injury (TBI) to the left side of the balance and vision problems. The process of maintaining balance involves input not only from the visual system, but also from the balance organs of the inner ear, and joint and muscle receptors. If head injury patients complained double vision, headaches, blurry vision, or dizziness, or if you have trouble concentrating, easily loses his place while reading, can not find početkomsljedeći line when reading, or trouble understanding or retaining what he read, he May have Post trauma Vision Syndrome (PTVS). Other symptoms include low rates of blinking (staring behavior), and spatial orientation.

Often, patients with PTVS also have what is called Visual middle Shift Syndrome (VMSS). Accurate processing of visual information requires precise sense in which a person's body is in space relative to its surroundings. Those with the correct perception of the middle of know where the center of their body, a posture and a sense of balance reflects this.

In VMSS, a person's perception of their own environment shifts. May walls seem to rely on it in, and his horizons tend to bend to the right or left. This syndrome may cause dizziness or nausea, spatial disorientation and poor posture or balance as a person unconsciously tilted to one side or the other to adjust to their perceptions of the middle or the horizon nagib.Osoba VMSS may bump into objects when walking or consistently remain one side of the hallway or room. May shift their position or distribution of weight on the balls of your feet to compensate for the perceived tilt on the horizon or walls.

After a comprehensive evaluation, doctors often can rehabilitate people with VMSS prescribing "yoked-prism" glasses, the shift of the perceived environment and counter the effects VMSS.

Most people are familiar with the optical effects produced by prisms. Prism lenses change the direction of light, rather than expanding or condensing the normal lenses do. Yoked prism redirection uses the prism lenses of equal power with the prism bases aligned in the same direction. Prisms are placed in the patient's sight and rotate until the patient a feeling of space and orientation is promijenjen.Položaj object seen through the prism will appear shift to thinner part, or top, the prism, which enables the brain to compensate for VMSS and suppression of visual disturbances caused by injury mozga.Pacijent restores the ability to accurately judge where an object in space in relation to themselves. In addition, physical and occupation therapy, in combination with the use of yoked prisms may be greater potential to continue faster.

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Types and Severity of Traumatic Brain Injury

Posted by writer on Thursday, October 20, 2011

Traumatic brain injury can affect the way the brain works for the rest of your life. The brain is responsible for controlling emotions, senses, memory, breathing and muscle control, as well as many other functions. We strive to make these actions for granted, but even minor TBI can affect how the brain signals the operation of this akcije.Štete caused by head injury depends on the type and severity of TBI.

the severity of TBI can be classified into three categories:
• Mild - Includes concussions, and May does not necessarily require treatment. However, any permanent damage may represent only a few weeks or months after injury
• Moderate - seriously affect the mental abilities such as language, learning, and much more. The brain is usually affected for a very long time
• Severe - paralysis, loss of mental clarity, and even death can occur with severe brain injury

Types of TBI can be placed into two categories:
• Closed - the result of a blow to the head, which can lead to fracture of the skull, contusion, or bruising at or below the point of attack, blood clots and hematoma, lacerations to the brain, and nerve damage
• Penetration - the result of a foreign body enters the brain and cause some damage to the brain subject to review

Secondary brain damage can occur after TBI. Some symptoms are:
• fever
• Epilepsy
• Changes in diet
• swelling of the brain
• intracranial pressure
• Infection
• anemia
• Changes in cardiac or pulmonary function
• changes in blood pressure (high or low)
• Changes in personality

TBI can affect more than the victim's life. Family and friends will see the devastation of brain injury can cause. Social interactions, finances, and more may suffer after TBI.

More aboutTypes and Severity of Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic Brain Injury Cases

Posted by writer on Wednesday, October 12, 2011

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According to the Centers for Disease Control, 1.4 million people suffer traumatic brain injury (TBI) godišnje.Većina Tbis are classified as "mild" brain injury. This term, however, is misleading, as the effects of these injuries are rare "mild ".

Many people mistakenly believe that you have to lose consciousness to suffer a brain injury, but this is not true. Also, the recent mild TBI, and even more significant brain injury, may not always show up on CT or MRI. Moreover, contrary to what many people think, it does not require a hit on the head to maintain TBI. For example, a person in a serious rear-end collision may suffer TBI without striking his head on anything, which whip the violent motion of the door causes the brain to collide with the front, back or side of the inside of the skull. This can result in significant TBI, although my head hit anything and there was no outward sign of head injury.

We have found over the years that we are seriously injured and their families, who are often misdiagnosed Tbis when patients first come to the emergency room, your HMO or private doctor's office. Unfortunately, these patients are often misled into believing that their symptoms are "nothing to worry", and you need not look any further liječenje.Rezultat is often a painful delay of weeks or months before a patient decides to be seen again. If the patient is happy, TBI correctly diagnosed at the time, but often it takes several visits before the return of TBI was finally diagnosed.

common cause of traumatic brain injury are:

• car and truck accidents
• Motorcycle accident
• bicycle accident
• Pedestrian accidents
• Falls
• Acts of violence
• sports injuries and other recreational injuries

Symptoms may be difficult to detect

Symptoms of TBI can be difficult to diagnose and may include some or all of the following:

• Dizziness
• disorientation, confusion
• Headaches
• Short-term memory loss
• difficulty in concentrating
• agitation, aggression
• Changes in behavior patterns
• Changes in mood
• Changes in appetite
• Changes in ability to smell, taste, or hear
• trouble sleeping
• Depression
• Tiredness

These symptoms also can be present immediately after injury, and may not develop until weeks or months after the initial traumatic event. In addition, people who suffer from TBI may have difficulty describing their symptoms clear medical or May not even realize that they suffer symptoms may be associated with the trauma they experienced.

From time to time, patients with TBI are reluctant to admit that they suffer from mental impairment and may not be forthcoming about the full spectrum of their symptoms, because they are embarrassed or worried that the symptoms represent a disease process, not. What does this mean that the physician sees the patient must take a detailed and thorough history. While the complete history of a simple but important diagnostic tool whose importance is taught in medical school, it is unfortunately often overlooked in the emergency room, where the diagnosis is often based solely on superficial examination - or skipped in the HMO clinic or office setting zbogograničeno time physicians are expected to spend at work and in assessment of patients.

Costs and challenges after TBI

the cost of treatment for TBI are zapanjujući.Nacionalni Center for Injury Prevention and Control estimates the national cost Tbis to more than $ 60 billion annually. Except sometimes lifelong medical expenses, other unique circumstances may be present following TBI.

• In the case of a child victim of TBI, with a special needs trust of May should be established to provide funds to cover medical expenses and njege.Staratelj or guardian must also be named to protect the best interests of the child and monitor the management of special needs trust.

• In other cases, damages may be difficult or impossible for an injured person to return to his former job, which is necessary for him or her to find new employment or, in many cases, exclude any types of paid employment.

• Those who suffer long term disabilities due to TBI May need to apply for social security disability benefits and to seek coverage from Medicare and / or Medicaid, who still can not cover the full cost of their treatment.

seeking legal help for TBI

is the first step in every case of brain injury is to ensure that the individual received a correct diagnosis of his injury. Attorneys who handle TBI cases can arrange meetings with appropriate medical specialists for those who believe they suffer from such injuries. TBI lawyer can make recommendations, as appropriate, neurologists, neurosurgeons, neuropsychologists, physiatrists, psychiatrists, speech therapists, physiotherapists and occupational therapists.

These cases include not only medical professionals, and vocational rehabilitation experts, life care planners, economists and other specialties, to prove how much damage the plaintiff suffered. Moreover, in addition to relying on experts, representing the case of TBI, we also rely on the testimony of the fact, people who have known some time before the brain injury, such as friends, family and coworkers, such people are often best placed to testify in the behavioral and other changes that are observed after the precipitating event.

Although some of these cases settled out of court, the others must go to trial. TBI cases to litigate and can often take a long time to resolve. The lawyer and the victim will need to invest much time, energy and resources into the case. Please consult a personal injury lawyer with experience in handling TBI cases in your area, find out more about TBI cases and their legal options.

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Traumatic Brain Injury Settlements

Posted by writer

brain injury can be simply defined as something that disturbed brain function. It May be a hit or blow to the head or something that penetrates the skull and brain damage. The primary causes of brain injuries include falling from his head hitting the ground, motor vehicles and traffic accidents, and assault. In the army, the explosion hits and head injuries are a major cause of brain injury. More severe brain injury can cause coma, stupor, or persistent vegetative state.

Some of the key indicators that you May have a brain injury are as follows:

- headaches. It is recognized by the frequent headache attacks, pain in the forehead or back of the head, and episodes of sharp pain.

-. Memory loss that includes raises the same question over and over again, short-term memory difficulties, and frequent forgetfulness

-. Glossary of problems or having a hard time coming with the right words to say

- fatigue. It shows the emotional and physical fatigue.

- Sleep changes with signs to alert all night, waking too early in the morning and not being able to fall sleep immediately


-. Emotional changes such as being angry, sad, scared, or combinations of these every now and then

- The initiative involves an overwhelming sense of overload in a busy, crowded and noisy places


- Concentration and distraction problems. This does not include staying focused and easy to cause attention disorders.

-. Organizational problems you can not organize their thoughts and complete the tasks and activities

The human brain is sensitive and vulnerable. If an object hits the head, or if the head strikes a hard surface, you will most likely suffer from severe brain injury. Even if there are no obvious symptoms, you should seek medical attention immediately.

If your brain injury due to negligent act of another person or institution, to seek advice from lawyers who are experienced in residential areas of traumatic brain injury, so I can help you recover monetary compensation for brain injury and other costs related to its accident.

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A Philadelphia Personal Injury Attorney Discusses Traumatic Brain Injury and Traumatic Head Injury

Posted by writer on Tuesday, October 11, 2011

TBI can cause a wide range of changes affecting thinking, sensation, language, and / or emotions. This can cause epilepsy and increase the risk for Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and other brain diseases.

TBI is more than twice as often in muškaraca.Najviša incidence among persons 15-24 years of age and 75 years and older. Given the large toll on TBI and absence of treatment, prevention is of paramount importance.

The available evidence supports the use of certain cognitive and behavioral rehabilitation strategies for people with TBI. Increased understanding of the mechanisms of TBI and recovery hold promise for new treatments. People with TBI, their families and significant others are an integral part of the implementation process of rehabilitation and research. Rehabilitation services, meets the needs of persons with TBI, and community non-medical services needed to optimize results during recovery.

What are the long-term consequences of traumatic brain injury? Individuals with brain injury often have problems with both vision and hearing loss.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, at least 5.3 million Americans currently have long-term or lifelong need help to perform activities of daily living due to traumatic brain injury.

To get full compensation for TBI, you need to retain a lawyer who is willing to work with your doctor, neurologist, neuro-psychologist, occupational therapist and rehabilitation specialist. Only then can a legal / medical team to fully appreciate the impact of an injury to you and your obitelj.Najbolji way to find, as a lawyer when he arrived at the recommendation of a trusted friend or family member.

More aboutA Philadelphia Personal Injury Attorney Discusses Traumatic Brain Injury and Traumatic Head Injury

Strategies for Memory After Traumatic Brain Injury

Posted by writer on Thursday, October 6, 2011

Memory is one of the biggest challenges many survivors of traumatic brain injury. Memory impairments can be distressing, frustrating and stressful. Try to remember and perform routine functions can be difficult tasks. Changes in memory can influence everything from remembering to turn off the stove to pay your bills for the meetings. These challenges can be the difference in being able to live independently, succeed in school or do its job.

by using compensatory strategies, survivors, family and caregivers can address these challenges and be produktivniji.Sljedeći tips and strategies can be helpful.

check Use

publication of written checks in key areas, such as a door or the phone on the table and the bathroom mirror or refrigerator, you will have visual reminders to jog your memory. You can also take an oral test to listen to a tape recorder to your computer or smartphone, so you can again whenever you need a reminder

to check the personal care reminders for refining and processing can be very useful for getting ready in the morning and out of the gate on time. It can be customized to how much detail you need. Examples include:

    Putting the collection in the shade Taking the clothes the night before

Everyday life can be complicated for anyone, but it can still be complicated and stressful if you have memory impairment after brain injury. Some basic strategies for organizing one's life are as follows:

    Do your laundry the same day each week. to make a master list of monthly bills. ask for an appointment and save the card. Using a different color ink in mind the different types of commitments on your calendar. Consult a map or GPS program before you get into the car and leave home. Get back directions as well. Park in the same area each time. Place all the ingredients on the counter before cooking and put them away as you use them. wears a time when you have something in the oven.

There are many aids and tools available to help people who have difficulty with memory. This includes planners and organizers, calendars, computer programs, special programs and smart phones. Your preference may be influenced by what you feel comfortable using it now and what type of reminder you has helped before the injury. The key is to develop a system that works for you and your lifestyle.

is also important that people who are close to you are familiar with the memory strategies and reminders that you are using. This includes family members, caregivers, close friends and any others who interact with you regularly. Consistency is important, so we want to make sure that everyone uses the same strategy.


Your memory may improve as the brain heals and recovery progresses. However, many people with moderate and severe brain injury and still have some challenges with memory over many years, even during their lifetime. Some final suggestions:

    develop routines to make lists and check them daily work deliberately, one step at a time do not try to do everything at once to be patient with yourself.

More aboutStrategies for Memory After Traumatic Brain Injury

Treating Cerebral Palsy With Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Posted by writer on Monday, October 3, 2011

What is cerebral palsy?

The term cerebral palsy refers to a class of disorders resulting in highly compromised motor skills, leading to spastic movements, loss of fine motor control, and awkwardly contracted muscles. Although the exact cause of cerebral palsy can not always be determined, complications during birth, or injuries account for many cases of cerebral palsy.

There is no known cure for cerebral palsy, it is a lifelong disorder. However, with intensive treatment and therapy regimen, as well as the attention and care from parents and medical staff, many children with cerebral palsy can be functional, relatively independent entities.

Summary of hyperbaric oxygen therapy

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is the administration of high concentrations of oxygen in strong, but controlled pressure environment. Originally developed as a treatment for decompression illness in divers, HBOT is essentially creates an extremely oxygen-rich blood supply and the internal body environment. HBOT has also proven effective in promoting the healing process of severe burn victims and patients with severe, slow-healing wounds.

HBOT for cerebral palsy is usually given to the pressure equivalent to 16.5 to 25 meters below sea level, in one hour sessions. Studies have supported the benefits of HBOT in cerebral palsy patients, improve patients' speech, hearing and vision capabilities, while reducing spasticity and 50 %.

Scientists argue that the effectiveness of HBOT in the treatment of symptoms of cerebral palsy goes to the root causes of cerebral palsy. In patients with cerebral palsy, the brain has difficulty communicating with the rest of the body, resulting in the characteristic spastic, jerky movements. In some cases, where the cerebral palsy caused by traumatic head injury related to birth complications, lack of oxygen flow and increased swelling in certain areas of the brain causes the sections to fall into a dreamy stanju.Hyper-oxygen environment created by HBOT is to promote the revival of the dormant areas and reduce brain swelling by constricting blood vessels.

As with many forms of treatment, HBOT has been proven more effective if administered in the early stages of cerebral palsy, however, some evidence shows the benefits of HBOT, even years after symptoms first


the risks properly-administered HBOT are quite manje.Najčešća is a side effect of HBOT therapy, ear discomfort, a similar effect in a rapidly growing aircraft. This is due to pressure differences created by HBOT is a high pressure environment. In very rare cases, damage to the eardrum May result if pressure is not alleviated. Simple techniques such as swallowing, jaw movements, or Valsalva maneuver were all able to equalize this pressure differential.

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