Traumatic Brain Injury Cases

Posted by writer on Wednesday, October 12, 2011

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According to the Centers for Disease Control, 1.4 million people suffer traumatic brain injury (TBI) godišnje.Većina Tbis are classified as "mild" brain injury. This term, however, is misleading, as the effects of these injuries are rare "mild ".

Many people mistakenly believe that you have to lose consciousness to suffer a brain injury, but this is not true. Also, the recent mild TBI, and even more significant brain injury, may not always show up on CT or MRI. Moreover, contrary to what many people think, it does not require a hit on the head to maintain TBI. For example, a person in a serious rear-end collision may suffer TBI without striking his head on anything, which whip the violent motion of the door causes the brain to collide with the front, back or side of the inside of the skull. This can result in significant TBI, although my head hit anything and there was no outward sign of head injury.

We have found over the years that we are seriously injured and their families, who are often misdiagnosed Tbis when patients first come to the emergency room, your HMO or private doctor's office. Unfortunately, these patients are often misled into believing that their symptoms are "nothing to worry", and you need not look any further liječenje.Rezultat is often a painful delay of weeks or months before a patient decides to be seen again. If the patient is happy, TBI correctly diagnosed at the time, but often it takes several visits before the return of TBI was finally diagnosed.

common cause of traumatic brain injury are:

• car and truck accidents
• Motorcycle accident
• bicycle accident
• Pedestrian accidents
• Falls
• Acts of violence
• sports injuries and other recreational injuries

Symptoms may be difficult to detect

Symptoms of TBI can be difficult to diagnose and may include some or all of the following:

• Dizziness
• disorientation, confusion
• Headaches
• Short-term memory loss
• difficulty in concentrating
• agitation, aggression
• Changes in behavior patterns
• Changes in mood
• Changes in appetite
• Changes in ability to smell, taste, or hear
• trouble sleeping
• Depression
• Tiredness

These symptoms also can be present immediately after injury, and may not develop until weeks or months after the initial traumatic event. In addition, people who suffer from TBI may have difficulty describing their symptoms clear medical or May not even realize that they suffer symptoms may be associated with the trauma they experienced.

From time to time, patients with TBI are reluctant to admit that they suffer from mental impairment and may not be forthcoming about the full spectrum of their symptoms, because they are embarrassed or worried that the symptoms represent a disease process, not. What does this mean that the physician sees the patient must take a detailed and thorough history. While the complete history of a simple but important diagnostic tool whose importance is taught in medical school, it is unfortunately often overlooked in the emergency room, where the diagnosis is often based solely on superficial examination - or skipped in the HMO clinic or office setting zbogograničeno time physicians are expected to spend at work and in assessment of patients.

Costs and challenges after TBI

the cost of treatment for TBI are zapanjujući.Nacionalni Center for Injury Prevention and Control estimates the national cost Tbis to more than $ 60 billion annually. Except sometimes lifelong medical expenses, other unique circumstances may be present following TBI.

• In the case of a child victim of TBI, with a special needs trust of May should be established to provide funds to cover medical expenses and njege.Staratelj or guardian must also be named to protect the best interests of the child and monitor the management of special needs trust.

• In other cases, damages may be difficult or impossible for an injured person to return to his former job, which is necessary for him or her to find new employment or, in many cases, exclude any types of paid employment.

• Those who suffer long term disabilities due to TBI May need to apply for social security disability benefits and to seek coverage from Medicare and / or Medicaid, who still can not cover the full cost of their treatment.

seeking legal help for TBI

is the first step in every case of brain injury is to ensure that the individual received a correct diagnosis of his injury. Attorneys who handle TBI cases can arrange meetings with appropriate medical specialists for those who believe they suffer from such injuries. TBI lawyer can make recommendations, as appropriate, neurologists, neurosurgeons, neuropsychologists, physiatrists, psychiatrists, speech therapists, physiotherapists and occupational therapists.

These cases include not only medical professionals, and vocational rehabilitation experts, life care planners, economists and other specialties, to prove how much damage the plaintiff suffered. Moreover, in addition to relying on experts, representing the case of TBI, we also rely on the testimony of the fact, people who have known some time before the brain injury, such as friends, family and coworkers, such people are often best placed to testify in the behavioral and other changes that are observed after the precipitating event.

Although some of these cases settled out of court, the others must go to trial. TBI cases to litigate and can often take a long time to resolve. The lawyer and the victim will need to invest much time, energy and resources into the case. Please consult a personal injury lawyer with experience in handling TBI cases in your area, find out more about TBI cases and their legal options.

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