Brain Injuries and Brain Injury Compensation

Posted by writer on Thursday, October 27, 2011

brain injuries are almost always very serious and life-changing consequences. Rehabilitation may take a long time. It follows that any claim for compensation for injury to the brain is unlikely to be resolved quickly. In fact, it is typical for such claims to be between 3 and 5 years to complete. Every year in the UK, more than one million people suffer a head injury that requires a visit to the accident department and about 135,000 of those will be admitted to hospital with serious head injuries. Usually, these injuries occur in traffic accidents, falls and accidents at home or at work.

Figures obtained by the progress, the association of brain injury, suggests that people most at risk are aged 15-29 and more than 65 years. Those aged between 15 and 29 are three times more likely to maintain brain injury than any other group. Men are two to three times more likely to suffer from brain injuries women. It rises to five times more likely for ages 15-29. Of those admitted, 85% will suffer mild head injuries, 10% moderate head injury and 5% of severe head injury.

There are two major categories of brain injury, acquired brain injury (ABI) and traumatic brain injury (TBI). ABI was a brain injury that occurs from birth. This may be caused by diseases such as stroke, hemorrhage, infection, hypoxic / anoxic injury, or medical accidents. It can also be a traumatic brain injury (TBI) - Receiving a blow or shaking the head, possibly in a car accident, fall or assault, can cause injury mozga.Većina TBI cases resulting from traffic nesreća.Manji part because of domestic or industrial accidents, sports or other incidents.

Although it was initially caused by a sudden force, traumatic brain injury also includes any subsequent complications. There are three distinct phases that can occur.

  • first injury - the initial traumatic event, caused by a sudden force or influence, and it only takes a few seconds. These can be crush injuries, open wounds or closed injuries in which external forces can cause the brain to be twisted or torn without any external sign of injury.
  • other injuries can occur over minutes and hours after the first injury. Problems such as severe blood loss or a blocked airway can reduce the amount of oxygen reaching the brain, resulting in oxygen starvation.
  • The third injury can happen at any time thereafter, causing further complications. This may be as a result of bleeding, bruising, or swelling of the brain or because blood clots develop.

More and more people survive serious brain injuries today due to advances in medical knowledge and surgical techniques. Those who have survived brain injuries usually have a normal life trajanja.Sve increasing number of people living with long-term effects of brain injury. Estimates indicate that there are more than 500,000 people living with disabilities as a result of head injuries in the UK.

Any request for reimbursement, you must be able to prove that you suffered an injury, and that the other party is wrong. Medical reports will be required as evidence. In cases of brain injury, it can be difficult to assess long-term consequences of injury and level of support that the victim required in the future. It is possible, however, to get in the meantime, the village has been postponed pending a final decision.

There are several elements which go to make up the compensation package. There is compensation for the injury itself. There is an element that provides support for you and your family. Rehabilitation and treatment will be part of this element, and possibly counseling and cognitive behavioral therapy. May it be possible to get in some circumstances, even when the obligation to sporu.Velik part of the fee will be used for costs, including loss of future earnings, welfare, medical expenses and equipment.

While the main purpose is to enforce the requirement to receive monetary compensation for their losses, can also provide other positive benefits. For example, rehabilitation of the Code says that support should be provided to you and your family. This will usually be in the form of rehabilitation and treatment, but may also include counseling or cognitive behavioral therapy, or the appointment of Case Manager, who can assess what you need to support. In certain circumstances, third party insurance companies will provide support and rehabilitation, even when the obligation in dispute.

lawyer will arrange for you to undergo medical examinations to determine the forecast for your injuries. Any treatment needs and care requirements will also be identified during the inspection. This will help your recovery if you are able to access recommended treatment as soon as possible.

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